Scope 1-2-3. Sounds simple,
but you still need an expert.
MAG Energy is the expert in comprehensive decarbonization solutions that reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions through everything from lighting retrofits and HVAC upgrades to implementing renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal. Our initiatives empower businesses of all sizes and industries to enhance sustainability, lower operational costs and minimize their carbon footprint, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for all.
Scope 1 : Direct Emissions (GHG)
Scope 1 includes emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company and that come directly from a company’s activities. The four primary categories are:
• On-site burning of fossils fuels for boilers, generators, furnaces and more
• Fuels include natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel, biomass and wood
• Generally, heating, cooling and powering buildings and equipment -
• Fuel burned by vehicles owned or leased by the company, including cars, trucks, vans, ships, planes and construction equipment
• Unintentional leaks and releases of GHG from refrigeration, air conditioning, fire suppression systems and more that may leak refrigerants or other chemicals
Whether through a direct purchase (CAPEX) or a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), your company can benefit from reduced costs and significant savings.
• GHG generated from facilities owned by the company, such as factories, plants and mills
Because these emissions result from sources directly controlled by the company, these are the easiest and most straightforward to address.
How MAG Energy Can Help

Scope 2 : Indirect Emissions from Purchased Energy
Scope 2 includes indirect emissions associated with electricity, steam, heating and cooling purchased from an outside source.
Emissions relating to electricity specifically depend how it was generated—by a utility or a supplier. Which means companies can use either a location-based or market-based approach:
Looks at average emission factors for the regional utility grids supplying the company’s electricity; reflects the general carbon intensity of electricity where they operate
Looks at factors from a company’s specific renewable energy contracts and certificates; reflects emissions only from the renewable energy and low-carbon sources within a company’s energy mix
While these emissions come from outside sources, they can account for a significant portion of a company’s emissions output, depending on its energy use.
How MAG Energy Can Help:
Scope 3 : Indirect Emissions Across the Value Chain
Scope 3 encompasses all other indirect emissions associated with activities across a company’s supply chain and even further outside its control. These are divided into two main categories:
Purchased Goods and Services
Capital Goods
Fuel and Energy Related Activities
Transportation and Distribution
Waste from Operations
Business Travel
Employee Commuting
Leased Assets
Transportation and Distribution
Processing Sold Products
Use of Sold Products
End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products
Leased Assets
Scope 3 emissions are typically outside a company’s control, yet they often account for the majority of total emissions.
While progress is being made, measurement and reporting of these types of emissions are still in the early stages. However, they can be managed and improved through collaboration with suppliers, improved estimation methods and better data collection.
How MAG Energy Can Help - Consulting Services Available
Project Funding
The goal is always finding a net-positive funding structure. From Goverment funded programs to EeaS programs, funding is no longer an obstacle to making important energy efficiency upgrades.
MAG Max Energy Audit
Multiple integrated facility surveys. One comprehensive Investment Grade Audit.
Case Studies
With five decades of experience building and engineering facilities, we know a thing or two about optimizing them for maximum profitability, productivity, and sustainability. Check out some of our recent projects.